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This is a blog by about coding and web development.

Little Big Planet

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This game makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. You could say it’s like Loco Roco + Garry’s Mod. This game is the most convincing reason I can find to buy a PS3. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by that, as Loco Roco did the same thing for me with the PSP.

Check out this video:

See what I mean?

Little Big Planet seems to combine the best aspects of creativity, community, competition, and exploration. You can create a spiffy little character, then use him to build levels and puzzles and share them with others. The cooperative aspect of the game is the most appealing to me, especially since it also incorporates a bit of competition to keep it interesting.

The best part: it does all of it with style. The game is beautiful to look at and listen to. The art is very minimalistic but gives the game a wonderful underground feel, and the post process effects look top notch. The automatic depth of field on the camera when it zooms in and out looked amazing.

I really don’t think I’ve ever seen such a juicy game. The world reacts to everything you do, even down to placing decals. Even the menus are juicy. I love the zipping up effect when the level is uploading.

But I have to say that I think the most enjoyable aspect of the game will be the simple puppeteering. The player can use the analog sticks to make his character’s head and arms move around (to wave, look around, ruthlessly backhand someone, etc.) I can’t help but think of the machinima possibilities when I see this in a game that allows custom levels.

Visions of PlayStations dance in my head…

Relative, z-index, and IE

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I ran into a really annoying IE6 bug today: the z-index of a positioned element is dependent upon the z-index of parent elements.

The Problem

Let’s say we have several relative positioned containers, and one of them has a tall absolute positioned element inside of it, assigned a higher z-index.

Firefox yields the expected behavior, with the tall element overlapping the lower container:

Position relative in Firefox

IE6, however, does the opposite:

Position relative in IE


<div class="outer" id="a">
    <div class="inner">a</div>
<div class="outer" id="b">
    <div class="inner">b</div>


.outer {
    position: relative;
.outer#a {
    height: 2em;
.outer#a .inner {
    position: absolute;
    height: 6em;
    width: 2em;
    z-index: 100;
.outer#b {
    height: 2em;

The Solution

The relative z-index causes the bug. Since outer#a and outer#b are on the same z-index, B draws on top. If we also give outer#a an explicit z-index, it fixes it:

.outer#a {
    height: 2em;
    z-index: 1;

I’m not sure if this still applies in IE7.

Start with the front end

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As a programmer, I have the tendency to break things down from an engineering perspective. It’s a compulsion. Hearing a concept compels me to turn it into a specification in my head.

Specifications can be fundamentally flawed. Theoretical design can be useful, but the sooner you can start building an application the sooner you will find how it actually works in the wild. By creating the specification first, you may find yourself feeling obligated to adjust your frontend to work with the backend you’ve already designed. This is a bad idea. Things never work exactly as you expect. You want to quickly find the errors in your design.

An example from a project of my own: there was an area in our application where the user was creating start-to-finish timed sessions, with timed “breaks” during the session that the users could record. From the eye-in-the-sky perspective, it made sense to store these breaks as a start time and end time.

But by starting with the interface, I realized that entering breaks was a cumbersome process. It caused us to reevaluate it and realize that a simple number of minutes on break during the session was all that was really necessary, not groups of start and stop times. By catching it early on, we avoided the backend work that would have been scrapped in the end.

Interaction with the product is the most important to a user. If you can keep this in mind during your development your product will benefit tremendously from it. The user doesn’t care how your backend is designed, as long as it works for them. Your product should be designed around the frontend. It’s the responsibility of the development team to make sure the backend performs as needed to support the interface.

Death by static content

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With the popularity of platforms like Ruby on Rails, people are building things faster, but applications often fall apart under heavy load.

You can help improve performance by caching dynamic content, reducing the number of database hits, etc. When you get hit really hard by Digg or Slashdot, measures like caching or reducing the number of database hits will only go so far.

For every page view, the browser requests not only the page itself, but every static asset you have in your page – stylesheets, javascript, images, etc. These additional queries can quickly add up until your server is saturated with requests and can’t keep up. Memory runs out, CPU is at 100%, money and traffic is lost.

An easy and effective optimization is to move static content to a secondary HTTP server. Images and stylesheets don’t need the flexibility or overhead of Apache. You just want to serve them fast.

But do it now, before you’re under heavy load. When you’re losing traffic, the last thing you want to be doing is scrambling around editing your templates and HTML to point all your static content to new URLs.

I’ve used both lighttpd and thttpd for serving static content. thttpd is lightning fast, but lighttpd is also very fast and is a bit easier to administer. Both did an excellent job of freeing Apache to deal with the heavy worker request.

Always keep the question in mind: are you getting the most out of your hardware? Inefficiencies can exist in any solution, regardless of how much it’s touted or how comfortable you are with a setup.

You won't remember

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Developers wear too many hats. It’s unavoidable in small teams. And three months down the road, when you have an emergency with the database you haven’t looked at since you created it? You won’t remember how to get it running. You might get 9/10 steps correctly, but you’ll miss one and spend hours screaming trying to figure out what’s wrong.

Write yourself detailed notes – even better, write utility scripts so you don’t have to relearn it every time. The 30 minutes it takes will save you hours down the road.

Some tips when writing rarely used but mission critical utility scripts:

  1. Don’t directly modify the database.
    Big no-no if your script has anything to do with database structure or administration. Odds are, database tables will change in the months between running the script. Output SQL statements to text files instead. Then you can check them over and execute them manually.

  2. Keep framework usage at a bare minimum.
    Keep your script as framework independent as possible. This is especially true if using an in house framework or a framework that is still under heavy development. Framework dependent scripts won’t be kept up to date properly when they’re not being used.

  3. Write command line help.
    Treat yourself like any other user. Take a few more minutes to add a -h parameter and print usage help. It’s too tempting to rewrite old code when you have to sift through it to remember how to use it.

  4. Make it verbose.
    When you run the script and find yourself staring at a blank screen for 5 minutes, you’re going to get annoyed. You’ll want to know what’s going on when you run a script for the first time in months. Make your script tell you what it’s doing.

It’s pretty straightforward, really: always assume you’ll forget everything you know, and do everything you can to make your job easier when you do. Force yourself to do it and even worst case scenarios won’t keep you up at night.