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Py* + Windows

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To install Python, pygame, and PyOpenGL on Windows:

  1. Download Python here and install it.

  2. Download pygame here and install it. The “Windows” section has an executable installer (e.g. pygame-1.7.1release.win32-py2.5.exe).

  3. You should also download and install Numeric from the pygame page.

  4. Download ez_setup.py and save it to a folder outside your Python installation (e.g. C:\).

  5. Open a command prompt, change to the folder you saved ez_setup.py to, and run it:

    c:\python\python c:\ez_setup.py`

    It will download the easy_install executables and put them in your Python\Scripts folder.

  6. Now install PyOpenGL using easy_install:

    c:\python\scripts\easy_install PyOpenGL

All done!