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Relative, z-index, and IE

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I ran into a really annoying IE6 bug today: the z-index of a positioned element is dependent upon the z-index of parent elements.

The Problem

Let’s say we have several relative positioned containers, and one of them has a tall absolute positioned element inside of it, assigned a higher z-index.

Firefox yields the expected behavior, with the tall element overlapping the lower container:

Position relative in Firefox

IE6, however, does the opposite:

Position relative in IE


<div class="outer" id="a">
    <div class="inner">a</div>
<div class="outer" id="b">
    <div class="inner">b</div>


.outer {
    position: relative;
.outer#a {
    height: 2em;
.outer#a .inner {
    position: absolute;
    height: 6em;
    width: 2em;
    z-index: 100;
.outer#b {
    height: 2em;

The Solution

The relative z-index causes the bug. Since outer#a and outer#b are on the same z-index, B draws on top. If we also give outer#a an explicit z-index, it fixes it:

.outer#a {
    height: 2em;
    z-index: 1;

I’m not sure if this still applies in IE7.